Archive for January, 2009

Die Stützen der Gesellschaft

Ich fahre weiter nach Frankfurt und gebe zu bedenken, wie unterhaltend das sein könnte, über das Wesen des Bürgertums zu schreiben, über die Veränderung, die Schattenseite und die Damasttischdecken, die über all das ausgebreitet werden, und über das Porzellan, an dem man sich festhält, wenn die Tochter sich scheiden lassen will. Das verschwiegene Bürgertum ist eigentlich ein grossartiger Gegenstand der Betrachtung, denn seit der Tante Jolesch und Bel Ami hat es nichts von seinem pittoresken Wesen verloren. Man ist im Frankfurter Verlagshaus sehr wohl der Meinung, dass man darüber reden sollte, und so werde ich in Zukunft ein Weblog schreiben, eines dieser neumodischen, aber amüsanten Internetmedien, mit dem schönen Namen “Stützen der Gesellschaft”.

Lesenswert. Don Alphonso in der FAZ. Abonniert.

Cool Tools and more

The more gadgets you carry, the more loose cables fly around your bags. One solution is shown over at Cables astray no more

Customer satisfaction surveys anyone?

Phun is a free game like 2D physics sandbox where you can play with physics like never before. The playful synergy of science and art is novel, and makes Phun as educational as it is entertaining.


SkypeKiller claims to be able to remotely kill Skype installations in corporate networks. Anyone having experience with this tool?

ThinkGeek with a hacked FlashDrive for the Uber-Geek that has everything.

HomeOfficeVoice with 7 simple steps for a Clutter Free Home Office. How much would I love to get there (at least almost…).

Twitter moves closer to Google Friend Connect instead of going the open way. (via) We´ll see what that means. Maybe on the MBC09 this week – and no, I cannot be there due to some obligations I cannot turn down.

Another free mindmapping tool, yet to be tested: XMind

Ben Casnocha on Caitlin Flanagans writing, especially her piece in the December 2008 Atlantic. I have two girls, so this is at least interesting for me.

10 Inspiring Last Lectures and Commencement Speeches Everyone Should Watch. Quite good ones, actually…

I guess no one has a clue yet how Twitter wants to make money from his service, but they are going to hire a Product Manager. Probably they should have thought earlier about that. Related, it looks like others have figured out how to make money off Twitter. Over at Scoble: “Tumblr’s CEO brainstorms microblog monetization“. Probably now it is more important than ever to have the monetization right early.

Need to understand flowcharts? Here it is:

Lifehacker with the Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2008

Cloud Computing Corner:

  1. How to set up Amazon Cloudfrom to work with S3. ´Nuff said.
  2. A Beginners guide to running JumpBox on Amazon´s EC2 service (via)
  3. Cloudfront Management Tools (via)

Seth Godin: How to send a personal email. Priceless:

Just because you have someone’s email address doesn’t mean you have the right to email them.

Google has released Blog Converters. (via)

Scoble on how you have to socially network in case you are laid off. Ok, from an US perspective, but a lot holds true also in Europe or elsewhere.

I am traveling quite a lot, so always interesting to see how others do when it comes to packing. WebWorkerDaily:  How Travel Veterans Pack For a Trip

Worth to read as well is the list of things that Tim Ferriss has learned and loved in 2008.

The TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors. Yes, that might be the 25 most dangerous, but do we believe they get eliminated?

Stunning: Earth, observed. From the – probably – best picture blog in the world.

This is courage: The Man Who Said No to Wal-Mart

Mobility Packs of german bloggers (in German):

Shocking. Matthew Alexander on irrogation techniques and  torture in Iraq (via)

Interesting. Russ Juskalian in Columbia Journalism Review interviewing Clay Shirky.

How Newspapers tries to invent the Web. But Failed. Jack Shafer in Slate. Recommended.

In case you didn´t know: How to burn a Windows 7 .ISO to DVD

Leo Babauta (ZenHabits, Power of Less) interviews Tim Ferriss (4 hour workweek). Take the time.

From the Personal MBA blog:

Here are the three best resources I’ve found to explain what’s happening in the financial markets – they make great “Friday Reading”:

NY Times (now only for subscribers/registered users): The End of the Financial World as We Know It (via)

Charlie Rose interviewing Malcolm Gladwell. (via)

Balsamiq Mockup helps to create application mockups in minutes. Even more interesting than the tool is the commercial success of the creator, described here. Fan-tas-tic. (via)