Essential Kindle Tools

Maybe you have seen my Tweet, but if not, I got myself an Amazon Kindle before Christmas, a Kindle 3 with WLAN/3G.

There is a lot of books to be downloaded from Amazon, but almost nothing in Germany.

Some tools that can help you with bringing content to the Kindle:

And yes, the Kindle can read PDFs, but will render them page by page which is in many cases impossible when you want to read longer stuff.

Zweitausendeins in Germany ( ) have a DVD with a large eBook-Library in different formats on sale, lot of German (and other Classics):

2 Responses to “Essential Kindle Tools”

  1. 1 Claire February 28, 2011 at 8:13 pm

    And yes, the Kindle can read PDFs, but will render them page by page which is in many cases impossible when you want to read longer stuff.

  2. 2 Fred Harding August 22, 2011 at 5:12 pm

    A New tool has been launched called Kindle Writer

    You can find out about it at and download a 30 day free trial.

    There are good reports about it.

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